
Kings: A drinking experience like no other

-Originally Posted on 8/28/05-

I know a lot of people like playing Beer-Pong or Asshole, Johnny Toughguy or Sink the Battleship. All of these games can be fun to an extent, but nothing gets people drunker, stupider, and more inclined to get completely naked then Kings. If you've never played, then you're missing out on some sick times. Therefore, I've decided to give you fags a brief synopsis of how to play Kings, what type of people to play with, what drinks to play with, etc...


You will need:

One deck of cards.

Beer, mixed drinks, or wine if you are a gay pseudo-intellectual

An empty cup or glass

5 or more players (More than 10 is pushing it)

The cards are arranged in a circle, placed in the middle of the table face-down, with the cup/glass in the center. Players then select a card, one card at a time, and depending on what card the select, they have to perform a certain action. Here is a list of the deck with each action the player must perform:

K- King's Cup: place the king under the cup and pour a shot of YOUR drink in the cup. The game is over when the last king is pulled and that person must drink the contents of the cup, no matter how disgusting the concoction is!!!

Q- Questions: Player asks another player a question, the questionee must then ask another player a different question. This repeats until someone either laughs or asks a question to the questioner. (Confusing I know, sorry God made you stupid)

J- Rule: Player can make up any rule the want. ex1) if you laugh you have to drink. ex2) if you say the word "the" you have to take off an article of clothing (only suggested if you're playing with mostly girls)

10- Categories: Pretty straightforward. Pick a category, i.e. types of cars. each player must name a car until someone can't think of one, when the sequence ends, that person must drink

9- Rhymes: Easy like a $2 ho. Player picks a word (pink) and each player picks a word that rhymes (stink).

8- Date: Pick a person out of the group (your date) that has to drink every time you drink for the rest of the game

7- Never have I ever: Player must say something they've never done ex) "I've never had sex with a soccer Mom", and the players who HAVE done that must drink

6- Dicks: All the guys drink.

5- High: Everyone raises their hand. Last player to raise their hand must drink.

4- Whores: All the ladies drink.

3- Me: Player must drink.

2- To (someone): Give one drink to anyone in the group

A- Waterfall: Players all stand up, card selector starts drinking and only when THEY STOP can the next person stop, until everyone is finished.

So now you see that Kings a game with alot of rules with the intent of getting people fucked up, if nothing else. On paper, it might sound blase or even tactical, but as long as you play with reasonably bright people the game goes really fast and you learn fucked up shit about people you'd never think they'd do. I've played this game many times, and usually people have played a different version. Here is another version of the game: http://www.digitalbartender.com/games/kings.html As you can see, the actions are different but the premise is the same.

It dosen't matter what "style" of Kings you play, as long as there is a card where you can make a rule. If you are playing with a bunch of prudes, wait until they are drunk enough so that they'll adhere to taking body shots, dancing like Michael Jackson or whatever rule your creative mind can think up. So next time you are at a party, suggest a game of Kings and you and your pals will not be disappointed.


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