
More Gym Annoyances, Women, Snoop

Alriiiiiiiiight. I'm displeased to announce that the Juicehead population is steadily climbing at the rate of about 1 Juicer per 17.5 days. These dudes range from about 190-240 lbs. with bodyfat levels around 8-12%. Although I've always trained naturally, I am not completely against performance enhancing drugs since many athletes can safely gain mass and strength if they use the drug in moderation and complete post cycle therapy. The problem is that most guys have no clue what they are taking and how it taxes their body and what to use for PCT. These dudes are freaks and easily spotted among the crowd of out of shape guys and average guys with average genetics. The thing that annoys me about these dudes is that they train like complete pussies doing isolation exercises like tricep kickbacks and faggoty nautilius machines. I rarely see these dudes perform deadlifts, squats or even bench presses for Christ's sakes. I don't get it. These guys must have crazy genetics and must be on crazy drugs to grow on those type of workouts.

In the world of natural athletes, I have plateaued at 15 reps for 225 lbs. on the flat bench. I will admit that this record I'm going for is purely driven by ego, but I'll gladly take any hypertrophy added as a result. My goal is 20 reps, a feat accomplished by some smaller NFL safeties. It'd be pretty cool to know I can bench as much as Troy Polumalu despite not having a 4.5 40 time and such braidable hair.

In terms of diet, I can't stop eating shit and drinking. It seems like there is an inverse relationship in regards to social life and eating healthy. A few months ago, I was only going out once a week, and my diet was money. Now, well I don't wanna talk about it. I'm fucking fat and that needs to change.

Finally there was this 47 year old MILF that used to be a regular at my gym, "Mary". Mary was a hairdresser, in amazing shape, and left a potent stench of perfume to waft throughout the gym. Mary used to always flirt with me and tell me how good I looked. Seriously. She went as far as to tell me I should compete (as in a bodybuilding competition). Unfortunately, she was married with a daughter, and although I'm not Mr. Morals, I still have my limits. Therefore, our relationship didn't go beyond dicussing squats and her telling me that I was the next Arnold. Now I don't have a ton of experience with older women, but I do know they are blunt and honest, which is how ALL GIRLS SHOULD BE. Yes part of the fun of flirting is the challenge and wondering about the other party's interest level.....from the girl's perspective. As guys, we basically want to know if you like us or not. Its that simple. Attraction isn't a choice, and most girls know within 5 minutes whether they'd fuck a guy or not, so why not just fess up. Wow, this blog ended up at the other end of the spectrum! Gotta love those A.D.D. minds!

Finally, I wanted to note that in his latest article, Bill Simmons pointed out something so obvious yet so subtle about our favorite gangsta, Snoop Dogg. In the 14 years we have been exposed to Snoop's awesomeness, he has managed to look exactly the same the entire time. Maybe I should start smoking weed.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hate guys at the gym who shy away from squats and deadlifts. I've been to probably about 10 different gyms in my life and I can probably count on one hand the amount of people I've seen deadlift.

PS: 225 for 15 reps natural is very respectable.

2:29 PM  

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